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  • Writer's pictureWedding Day Diamonds

Minimoons for Maximum Post-Wedding Relaxation

Updated: Jul 24

beautiful blonde in red bikini on beach

Honeymoons are amazing and you should take one… someday.


Weddings are expensive. They’re also stressful to plan and pull off. Sometimes, instead of jumping from one major expenditure and organizational tightrope to another--a great honeymoon also takes planning and plenty of cash--the best thing you can do is give yourself a break.


Enter the minimoon for maximum post-wedding relaxation...


sail boat harbor in Door County, Wisconsin

If you haven’t considered a minimoon yet, you should. Let our clients, Mackenzie (@mackenzieholmsten) and Alex, show you how to make the most of that sweet wedding come down with a minimoon for ultimate relaxation.


1.        Pick an accessible place, somewhere you can drive to.


Our clients chose Door County, an easy and picturesque drive from the Twin Cities.


2.        Aim for a long weekend instead of a week+.


You’ll be amazed how quickly you can recharge.


You can do a lot in four days. Get on the road early, stop for breakfast along the way, and soak in those nowhere-you-have-to-be, nothing-you-have-to-do vibes.


3.        Compare amenities.

man teeing off at beautiful golf course

Since you aren’t going for long, a lot of different kinds of lodging becomes affordable. Check Airbnb rentals alongside resorts.


Anything you think you’ll save on food costs by staying at a place with a kitchen might quickly be spent on renting amenity equipment like bicycles or canoes, which are often provided for free at lodges and resorts. If you are planning to dine out, that kitchen might make even less sense.


A mini moon is the perfect time to do something a little different from your norm. Lodging is often the splurge that makes the most sense on a shorter vacation.


4.        Get Out in It…Or Do Nothing at All

Mini moons are the perfect time for a bit of both.

Whether you’re into kayaking, shopping, history walks, local breweries and novelties, or you just want to lounge on a beach or order pizza in one night and remember what it feels like to turn your phone off, this is your first change to do it all together as a married couple.

Enjoy your time. You’ve earned it.


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