Let’s talk for a second about milestones. I’m not sure if life has ever been more complicated and more fast-paced than it is right now. All of us are living in this technological age where the only constant is change.
Sometimes so much momentum is exciting. Other times, it can leave us feeling swept away, as though somewhere in the frenzy of our everyday, life itself is passing us by.
That is why, now, more than ever, it’s important to stop, even if just for a moment, and take stock of milestones.
Maybe your child is graduating fifth grade, or eight grade, or high school. Maybe they’ve just passed the Bar Exam.
Maybe you’ve just had your first child. Or bought your first home. Maybe you’ve been promoted, or run your first marathon.
Maybe for the first time ever you’ve stuck with your New Year’s Resolution, and actually feel good in the body you’re in!
Whatever the accomplishment, whether personal or public, it deserves to be celebrated.
Life’s milestones are a lot like scenic overpasses on long car trips. Sure, you could whizz past them, but what good is a journey if you haven’t given yourself moments to remember it by?
Jewelry is one of the best ways to mark life’s major moments because unlike the gaming system your kids might be asking for, or the espresso machine that seems like a natural accompaniment to anyone who just passed the Bar, jewelry lasts.
Jewelry is unique from other gifts because jewelry is both an indulgence, and an emotional investment.
Jewelry not only celebrates a moment, it begins a legacy.
The piece you give somebody now will become a piece they pass down to their own loved ones, perhaps to celebrate a similar accomplishment, and I can’t think of any other gift that does that.
So whatever your big moment, there’s a piece for that! Here are just a few of our favorite ways to celebrate life’s bigger days:

For You:
A tennis bracelet is the perfect gift to give yourself. Whether you've achieved a fitness goal, or been promoted, this is an empowering, mature piece to wear today, and for every occasion yet to come. This is also an amazing gift to give for retirement, or even to the woman who's expecting. She'll wear it now, and pass it down to her own daughter when that day comes.

For Teen Birthdays
Owing to their timeless simplicity and myriad of sizes, diamond pendants are the perfect gift for Quinceaneras and Sweet 16's. A single stone is delicate enough for a young woman to wear, yet elegant enough to be enjoyed throughout adulthood, making this the perfect piece for coming-of-age birthdays.

For Graduates:
We love diamond stud earrings for graduations. They add a touch of sparkle and class, without drawing attention away from her cap. They really are the icing for any grad's cake.

For Him:
Whether you're celebrating your son's graduation, or turning your husband into a father, giving a man a right hand ring will always be the perfect way to tell him you love him, you're proud of him, and you're with him, no matter what adventure is coming down the pipe.